Our Services

Services provided by The Friends of the Children’s Justice Center

fcjc-servicesSpecial Needs:
Help to offset costs related to school expenses, social activities, hobbies, intercession, after school programs, sports and other quality of life needs.

Help to provide basic medical, dental, and therapy counseling or care that is not covered by insurance or government programs.

Provide funds to train social workers, investigators, medical personnel, treatment providers, and other professionals in the subject of child abuse and neglect.

Help provide air and ground transportation for emergency removal from a dangerous situation, interviews, family visitation, evaluations relocation or participation in a school-related excursion.

Center Support:
Provide stuffed animals, juice, snacks, books, games, videos, etc. for the children who come to the Children’s Justice Center.

Character Building/Self-Esteem:
Provide child victims an opportunity to heal by sponsoring activities that foster pride in accomplishments, working for a common goal and the joy of exploring a passion. Activities include everything from dance to sports.

Holiday Gifts:
Help to provide over 2,000 children a holiday gift. For many, it is the only present they receive.

Prevention/ Community Awareness:
Educate children and adults about child abuse by participating in community events and producing and distributing materials related to child abuse and neglect. Collaborate with other public and private agencies on prevention projects.

Mandated Reporting Law

mandated-reporting-lawIn response to changes in the State of Hawaii's chapter 350 law surrounding mandated reporting for child abuse and or neglect, the Friends of the Children's Justice Center of Maui released our Mandated Reporting Film in 2014, linked below. Details regarding the law are included in the Mandated Reporting Law Brochure, linked below.

View the Mandated Reporting Film

Download the Mandated Reporting Law Brochure